Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Cutter's Log - Stardate 0102.31.70
Current Song - Us and Them (Pink Floyd)

Somehow, somehow I have found a small pocket of time.

A lot has been going through my head lately.

I'm figuring out that this Peoria Woodruff project is taking longer than I thought. The research part is actually easy compared to actually formatting it on the Glory Days site. It's taking me two sports at a time before getting tired.

With the way I function, I can't work on anything else until I get this thing done. I've got a bunch of minor sports left to do (Boxing?), as well as the activities portion. I have today off of work. Maybe before the All-Star Game, I'll work on more of it.

I spent last Friday down in Peoria doing research for it. This is kind of like building a template for record book audits. What are record book audits? When this Woodruff thing gets done, the next school I'll work on is Sterling St. Marys and Community Catholic (the predecessor to Newman).

As I mentioned, the Woodruff project is kind of putting a big hold on things for NISB. I do have stuff planned, but I'm trying to find a good time to start on it. We're still pretty early.


Then there's the rummage sale plan.

I have all of the items lined up and boxed. I am just in need of tables and an area to do it at. A date to do it, too.


Work is going good.


The time-off thing is being criticized by more customers. Once again, I was told by someone else that I need to be in school NOW.

Okay Real World, here's a question for you ...

Is is possible to plan the whole college thing, from scratch, in two weeks?

Bear in mind, my choices range from: NIU, Wisconsin-Whitewater, Illinois State and Western Illinois. Secondary choices are: Chicago State, Illinois-Chicago, Eastern Illinois and Wisconsin.


Last, but not least, the private life. The search still continues for that special woman.

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