Friday, January 30, 2009

Turk's Withdrawl Syndrome

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.30.10
Current Song - Turn Your Love Around (George Benson)

Kind of an odd realization when it comes to a message board I post on.

I haven't posted on Turk's Place in over four months. Whoa! Then again, I haven't had a whole lot of free time on the Internet in quite some time.

They call it Turk's Withdrawl Syndrome when someone doesn't post in a long time. However, people do get over it and post again. It happened to me once before. But it kind of puts me in a rut when I plan on making that comeback post. After all, what am I going to say? Ususally I would give an update on me. I'm starting to realize now that I talk about myself way too much. It used to be I always talked TO myself a lot. If I start talking about myself alot, no one is going to want to care. Really.

Plus, it's not like anyone's worried that I'm not there like it is some sort of tragedy or anything.

But seriously I have met a lot of people from Turk's Place.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Work Shortfall

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.92.10
Current Song - Yesterday (Paul McCartney)

Julie quit.

I guess I can kiss my weekends good-bye for now. I was notified of a schedule change and I'm now working Saturday night instead of the afternoon. That kind of hurts my column plan a bit.

I mentioned before that I was hoping to be associate editor for the Chronicle. Marques is going to be the editor, and I was slated to be AE but I had no idea someone else wanted to be it too. Instead of telling him "Sucks to be you, I was here first," we worked out a plan that we're going to bring to Sam today. I'm going to give Keith the AE duties, but I'm going to keep the copy and proofreading part. Keith runs a website of his own, which is an Internet newspaper, that's free. With him as AE he can assign stories, and he has brought a lot of story ideas to us. Even though I wanted the AE spot, I wanted to do what is best for the paper.

After all, copy and proofreading was what I was going to bring to the AE spot anyway: turn blog entries into stories, break out the old AP Stylebook, etc.

I can now start saving money. Once I reach a certain amount, I'm going to try to get my lights fixed on my car, which will be in the hundreds. Other than $150 monthly insurance payments, I really don't have anything special to save up for. I got my stickers renewed yesterday, so that's out of the way.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Soujourn into Chicago

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.82.10
Current Song - A song that has a chorus sounding like "chestnut on the hill" - some 80's song?

I made a trip to Chicago yesterday.

Actually, I was going to the library in River Forest to find an old high school located in the community. It was one of those cases where the librarian in the reference department told me there was no such thing, and I indeed found it. This has happened twice, and both times it happened in the suburbs.

I left early so that I could get there by the time the library opened at 9AM. It didn't take me too long to find the school. I'll tell you, this solved a two-year mystery for me, back to when I was looking at OPRF's history (that's Oak Park and River Forest High School, the 'and' is necessary) one day and making notes.

So it's 10:00 in the morning and I need to be on the road to Freeport by 2:00. I had four hours to kill and I was in Chicago pretty much. In my Glory Days notepad, which I bring to every research adventure, I had a list called: "Chicago Schools That Have No Photo On Their Pages - Addresses and Directions."

You guessed it.

I found fates of the following schools:

Angel Guardian - Church is still there, school may have been behind it, or on empty lot behind it.
Creiger - now Best Practice
Flower - now Al Raby
Jefferson - now a community center
Unity - now a CPS bilingual school
St. Stanislaus Kostka - still a K-8 school
St. Michaels Central - private residences?

Two schools I'm going to look deeper into:

St. Mel - Comment on that page said school was on One North Kildare (Kildare and Madison), but that is a church. There are two buildings on each side of it. The one on Madison is now ACT Charter, and the one on Kildare looks like a school building. But then again, there is a building that looks like a school building every two blocks I traveled!

Sacred Heart (on Huron and Oakley) - There are two buildings I snapped for this one on each side on Oakley. One looks like a rectangular apartment building, while the other looks like a church with what looks like Ukrainian scripture on it. I think this school is only mentioned on Kev's Archdioscese page.

I'm going to wait on posting the private school pics.

I only made it through the north side before leaving.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Airport Trip

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.72.10
Current Song - Cantaloupe Island (Herbie Hancock)

A couple of weeks ago my grandparents and I went to the Quad City Airport to show me around. When I go to Tucson it will be my first time flying. I got to know how to check in, where to get my bags checked, as well as all of those new rules in the wake of 9-11. Fluid ounces? It doesn't seem like a hard task, but only half of the Airport is open to the public. The other half one needs a boarding pass to get inside, so I didn't get to see that part, and I won't until I leave.

I got to know a whole lot about the airport process. I'm taking Quad City to Denver, which is a whole other animal to tame. I think I can do it.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Column Proposal

Cutter's Log – Stardate 9002.62.10
Current Song – Walk Right In (The Rooftop Singers)

One weekly column. Put it in whatever day you want. Stringer rate is fine. I can write more than 15 column inches.

As a person who had traveled northern Illinois high school sports events (and parts of western, central and Chicago and its 'burbs) extensively over the past seven years, I have a well-rounded idea of what high school sports is like. I am well informed of high school sports news in Illinois.

I feel there's more to high school sports than just games and meets. There's also more to the resurrection of newspaper journalism than countless feature stories on people. An area that gets overlooked is the science of how high school sports work. There are stories to be told, processes to be taught and positives to be found.

Why should people know about these things? When we say, “I don't care,” one never knows who indeed does care. I don't write for editors, I write for everyone. There will be people who will not care for what I write, but that should not disappoint me. What I write can make people think in the way Andrew Carnegie helped people get rich.

There is so much to high school sports than what we already know. This is my purpose.


But first I have to get a timing thing down.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My REAL Reaction to the mess

Cutter's Log - Stardate 8002.42.10
Current Song - Hound Dog (Elvis Presley)

Yesterday I really felt like an idiot. Those were the times I get down on myself.

I'm still not expecting good things from work. However, next week's schedule is kind of favorable. Although I am working Friday night, I am working Saturday from 9:00 to 4:30 p.m. - which is good enough for me to go somewhere for Saturday night.

Maybe if she feels I'm not cut out for nights, I may fall into midshift. During midshift, I can get out at 5:30 p.m. every night. It's just another 1:15 to try to get somewhere without getting a speeding ticket. I can even do an adjusted midshift on Tuesdays and Thursdays so that I can be on the road by 3:30. One of my co-workers is pregnant, and after she is due I would like to fill in. That would leave the nights to someone else who is more qualified for closing than I am (in the view of my boss).

I'm taking two classes at Sauk this summer, followed by two classes in the fall, and two classes in the spring. If successful in each class, I can graduate. I even know what I'm taking, too. Summer: Psychology 103 (Intro to PSY - which I failed once before) and Humanities 210 (Intro to Humanities - a popular and fast-filling Internet class). Fall: Math 115 (Principles of modern math - usually a liberal arts math requirement) and Humanities 112 (Film Appreciation - a class that directly transfers to NIU well, but also a Monday and Wednesday night class). Spring: Speech 131 (The dreaded evil!) and Phys. Ed. 214 (Intro to PE - just to get reads on coaches).

So that's "Operation Get The Hell Out of College." If I take one class a year from that point on, I'm on pace to get my bachelors in 2021.

As I was writing this, I thought about the future a little too in depth.

I'd like to get a weekly column going on NISB. I've got columns going, but I want to try to get a timing mechanism down. I felt that if I could get this going successfully on NISB, I could move it to a weekly paper - and evolve from there.

I'm glad I felt more positive today.

Friday, January 23, 2009

As I doubted my future ... Again

Cutter's Log - Stardate 8002.32.10
Current Song - She Blinded Me With Science (Thomas Dolby)

Call me an idiot for doing so. I've done foolish things before, but I was caught doing one recently at work.

I have to get my chores done by 12:30 PM when I close. On days when I can't get them done, I'll clock out at 12:30, or fifteen till, and work off the clock to get caught up. There are nights I won't leave the building until 1:15. You see, I started doing this after I was told I had to be out the door at 12:30.

I knew all along I couldn't do that, and so I tried to curve the rule by doing this. Well, I can't do that anymore. So now my work time has really been scrunched down. The first time I did this I felt like I wasn't able to do it. I kept telling myself I give up. Now every time I walk into work I expect an earful from anyone. Therefore, I don't even get anything from there (I'll go to the other three Shells in Sterling/Rock Falls).

You see, I think they're just trying to get me back on track - back to doing everything correctly. But each job I've ever had I've been a sinking ship from day one. What makes me believe that the next job I'll have will be different?

As you can tell, I have a problem with ground rules. If I don't like the rules, I'll either make up my own, or curve them so I can survive. If I feel like I'm being used as a pawn for someone else's gain, I'll be very critical. Should I just sit there and take this abuse?

So now I can't curve the rules. I guess I can't survive.

It made me think of my proposed column idea to SVN, similar to what Andy did when I was there. I've had that thing in the file cabinet since Salem was sports editor. However, the only reason I'm staying away from there is because I KNOW that I'm going to have conflicts.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back to School

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.12.10
Current Song - Jive Talkin' (The Bee Gees)

I've been back at school twice now, but I never got settled in until yesterday. I'm still thinking about what to do for basketball, but I have baseball and softball previews planned, as well as men's basketball bios, and an intro column. What's holding be back on basketball is the Region IV pairings. They won't be known until February 1 - which isn't a whole lot of time for me. That's not all, the release date for the paper is March 6 - the day BEFORE the Region IV championships. What a wrench!!!

Jean, our editor, is leaving us. Now we are without an editor, and without an associate editor (Hilary isn't with us this semester). I guess that leaves me in command?

There's not a whole lot of interest this year for sports within the staff. It looks like I'll have to do it all myself. That really eliminates the position of Sports Editor, in which I'm going to apply for Associate Editor. I don't want to be Editor In Chief because I feel that a true Highland student should be running the Highland publication.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

As I Doubted my Future ...

Cutter's Log - Stardate 8002.21.10
Current Song - Sweet Lullaby (Deep Forest)

I had a lot of doubts with my future at Shell. I was written up for a "drawer under 20.00" violation. This policy, which has always been in effect since I've been there, was never given to anyone else before when they were short over 20.00. I was the first once since I been there. I felt that I was being picked on and singled out.

It felt as if I wasn't going to be working there one day, and my days were numbered. I wrote a note to Mary with every "writing skill" power I had in order to persuade her that I shouldn't be given this write-up and how I was picked on for some reason. So it was basically a column.

The next day I was preparing for the worst. I took a little over $100 and went to Jumers. I walked out losing all of what I brought. I was hoping I could win cash to keep me afloat after termination. I drove home dejected and nearly crashed the car twice. No more casinos for me for a long time.

I go to work on Sunday only to have Mary arrive a couple hours into my shift.

She hadn't read the note, but I guess Bre or Billy told her about it. Mary told me that I wasn't being singled out and just asked for an explanation as to why I was that much short. I told her I didn't know why. It could have been a sticky 20. I guess what I wrote made her tear up the write-up. As she walked out the door telling me nicely that I should just do my job, it sort of vindicated me. I was almost in tears.

I know I have a future at Shell for the time being. If I ever do leave, it will be on good terms.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Work got the best of me yet again!

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.90.10
Current Song - Shattered Dreams (Johnny Hates Jazz)

The day I found out I was working at my real job the exact time both Coach Goers and Coach Pingatore would surpass Coach Van Scyoc's boys basketball wins record devastated me. I devoted about a year to this record and kept a win tracker on both coaches. I had wanted to cover the record breaking moment no matter who broke it first, although Goers and Boylan is an area team.

This became one of the many moments I would see slip past me because of my job as a cashier at a Shell station in Sterling. We had no flexibility whatsoever when it came to scheduling. I was always afraid to call in sick even when I was sick. This one girl I used to work with there worked when sick a lot, and she was let go after one too many call offs. Playing hooky from work would be devastating, too.

So I am stuck at this gas station gig that has no flexibility and is a house made of playing cards. It's the only non-journalism place that is still willing (I think) to accept me and the different ways I think and do things. Without Shell, I'm without money and without any non-journalism job. I think I possess one of the worst work ethics known to mankind.
I have a real bad feeling that I have screwed up this "job" thing.

The journalism industry somehow took off without me right after I graduated high school. So I had to stick to common jobs and work my way up that way. Now it appears I can't even work out at these jobs anymore.

Just after the second Indian regime took over at BP, they promoted someone younger than me and hadn't been there as long as me to assistant manager. That didn't make me feel all too bad, no. This stuff happens and I realize that. What set me off was her power trip. Now at Shell there is this lady who somehow leap-frogged over me and is getting more management responsibilities. That's okay too, she is older than I am.

However, I'm getting the feeling that this "forward progress" is normal, and I am actually going backwards. In fact, I feel like I'm being pushed out very, very slowly like Chinese torture. There's nothing I can really do about it. There's nothing I can really learn from this to take somewhere else. I've got nothing else left other than NISB, which I can't make any money out of (and when I try it just makes it look worse). I've got nothing else left to take somewhere else. If Shell drains me, that's it. But I just can't adapt.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rest In Peace Grandma Holland

Cutter's Log - Supplemental

Yesterday I learned that my Great Grandma Helen Holland passed away in Prophetstown. She was 93 years old. She was the last of my great grandparents to pass away.

Her parents immigrated from Sweden in 1890 through Ellis Island. She was born in Pontiac in 1915 and graduated from Geneseo High School in 1932. Grandma Holland was my mothers maternal grandmother. She had lived around the Prophetstown area her entire life.

I remember many times when Mema would take me down to Prophetstown as a kid to visit Grandma Holland. She always had a Hershey's bar to give me every time I came to visit. By the time I grew up her memory had gotten bad and sometimes she would call me someone else. I enjoyed visiting with her whenever I got the chance.

I'll miss you Grandma, along with a lot of Tighes, Rosliebs and Hollands. Rest in Peace.

Steps and Steps Toward Internet Connection

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.70.10
Current Song - How Could I Let You Get Away (The Spinners)

For a while I couldn't get my Internet connection to work. I had a modem installed a couple of days ago, but I could not get it to work. My dad tested the phone line, and sure enough the phone line was working. It had to be the modem. I took it back to Unique and had them test it out. Sure enough the modem that was installed for me was bad. So they installed a new modem (at no cost via warranty) and it worked.

My parents are in charge of the Internet connection, and they have been past due in their bill. After a while without Internet, you'll forget after a while. Once they either get that paid, or switched to broadband I'll finally have that Internet connection I have been dying for.

Meanwhile, I've been cleaning my desk area out. I made more desk space and put in the lamp I got for Christmas. I found my old MP3 player that I rarely used. I could rarely get it to work after I had accidentally left it under a lamp for a long time. Now I swear it is possessed. While charging on the computer it will turn on and off over and over again.

I'm going to work out of Sauk hopefully today. I think there are events going on there this week, which means the computers are open! Yay! Plenty of things to do under a long duration of time. Might be a down day with the pedometer.

I will be in Evanston on Saturday night to see Coach Pingatore break the all-time coaching wins record. If victorious, he will have 827 wins surpassing Coach Van Scyoc. I have been following his, and Coach Goers', progress toward this record. However, Pingatore will only make 827 with a win at LaGrange Nazareth on Friday.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.04.10
Current Song - I'll be Around (The Spinners)

It's been quite a while since I last typed an entry. That's that happens with the absence of the Internet. It looks as if I'll be getting it sometime this week or next. I have to go back to Unique to get that other gig of RAM. Also, I need to ask them how to install a modem. I've got the phone line next to my computer, I just need to make that connection actually happen. Then I'll be set. I still get to the library once in a while for computer use. I haven't been there in a week, and thus I haven't checked the boards in a week! I've got plenty of time this week as I am off Tuesday thru Thursday plus Saturday. Other than the Internet thing, all is going well with the computer. I'm playing a lot of Pinball and Hoyle Casino when I'm not typing columns. I'm typing this entry on my home computer and saving it.

I can't even remember when I last typed an entry here. Christmas and New Years have both passed.

I didn't receive a whole lot for Christmas this year, because I'm getting older. I even wrote out my largest Christmas list in years. Only one thing on my list was actually given to me: high school sports shirts. My grandparents gave me one from Dakota and one from Milledgeville. You see, I'm trying to be the Bill Cosby of high school sports, wearing the shirts and sweaters of schools. Other than that, not a whole lot of noteworthy things:

*My mom's mother (MeMa) gave us a pictorial history book of Sterling and Rock Falls (I didn't know this was published, so this was a good gift).
*Mom and dad gave me a desk lamp, which I have yet to install or fit on my desk.
*They also gave me one of those $50 Visa gift cards from Wal-Mart.
*I can't even remember the other one.
*Also got socks from grandma and grandpa??
*$50 check from them too.
*$25 gas card from my Uncle Mat.

Another unique gift was from my Aunt Judy. Her gifts are usually a donation in our names to a charity. We had a get together a couple weeks ago where we got to choose our charity. Chris picked the Red Cross. Judy gave us each an envelope with $50 and another envelope in it. We would choose on our own how much we would keep and give. I put the whole $50 in it. I look at the gift as the opportunity to do such a thing. I recently got a nice card from her about how generous I was. She knew I had car trouble (lights) and was about to give me back some of it. She said she then decided it was best to respect my wishes.

I did buy a few things with the spending money. Two things were an MP3/CD cassette adapter for my car, and a pedometer.

Yes, I am going to try what I have tried the last ten or so New Years. I really need to lose some weight. I think I said this last year. I've crept over 300 and then some. I think I was at 327 at one point in December. Today I am down to 305 with yet to put on the pedometer. I get to lose weight and save money because I won't eat out a whole lot.

One of the problems of being a journalist like me is that you get to travel all over creation and spend a good amount of time sitting on your butt in front of a table and a sports event, and in a car. I could probably tell you the best places to eat in northern Illinois, as well as the best teams and athletes. The post game is so concentrated on putting together the story, structuring it, and getting it out. Then when you get done, there is this free fall of relief which will absolutely drain me. For refueling, I'll get something high-octane. By the time the games are over only the 24-hour food places are open. I've got places to go yet this year including one trek deep into the Chicago suburbs this week. I can't really pack a lunch because it will spoil.

I think part of the problem was going to Freeport back and forth. Whenever I would get my stuff done there I would go to the McDonalds or Burger King and eat that on the drive home. One day at work I was browsing through a bunch of tossed out Sunday papers, and I put together dinner items that don't normally sound like dinner: cans of soup, hot pockets, etc. I cut out the coupons of these things. The cafeteria at Highland has a microwave and I'm sure various gas stations have them as well. I'm going to try this more often.

As far as work is concerned, I had to work a couple hours on Christmas Eve, and for the third year in a row I was at a gas station "celebrating" the new year. At times I was unhappy with working there and wanted to leave. I've mentioned it on here time after time. I'm not the best worker. I'm probably not a good worker at all. I struggle a lot with learning how to do things a certain way that I have to resort to shortcuts to get it done. I need to pace myself a lot because I'll go crazy if I'm doing things non-stop. This I do not think my co-workers will understand. At times I truly feel as if they are trying to make things miserable for me - all I can do is attack it by looking at the positives of these things.

I'm also planning on making some minor changes to the NISB homepage as well this week.

That's all for now. Hopefully I won't have another drought.