Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tuesdays and Saturdays

Cutter's Log - Stardate 7002.22.21
Current Song - One of a Kind (The Spinners)

I am about to finalize my work schedule for January and onward. I'll be working Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, while Kevin is working Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. We will alternate Mondays.

Tuesdays and Saturdays I can spend traveling to games, while Fridays I can spend more time around home.

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's simple

Cutter's Blog - Stardate 7002.41.21
Current Song - Mozart's No. 40

It's that simple. I work the days given to me on my schedule, and the days I'm not scheduled to work I get off.

This is the second day of my time off, and this is the second day they've called for me to fill in. I can't work third shift 6-7 days a week. There are certain days I need off, and I have them off. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays: I've worked enough of these days in the past. Again, it's that simple. I work the days given to me on my schedule, and the days I'm not scheduled to work I get off.