Monday, January 10, 2011

It Takes One to Know One

Cutter's Log - Stardate 1102.01.10
Current Song - Return of the Mack (Mark Morrison)

I learned a lesson a couple of nights ago. It didn't have anything to do with the website, either.

If you're not a betting man, and a betting man asks you for a bet, don't do it.

I made the mistake of agreeing on a deal for buying lunch at Hooters. It was with a friend of mine that plays a lot of poker. My analysis of professional poker on television tells me that this type of communicative style benefits the person starting the bet.

As you can tell, I lost this bet.

What's so bad about it is that it's not a solid thing we agreed on. Lunch at Hooters is an unknown amount of money. It depends on the mood, and stomach, of my friend.

As for now I have to pray that he's not hungry that day. I don't really have a whole lot of money. If I set aside a certain amount, and he goes over it, I'm screwed.

It will be the final time I let someone try to pull an advantage on me like that. No, I'm not deep in anger over this, but it kinda sucks a little. All in all, it's still fun in a way.

The lesson here: don't get in bets. Doing so will mean you are certain not to lose anything. I will learn from this. Actually I'm glad I'm learning it now rather than later in life - when things at stake can be very crucial.

I have found the bright side. It takes an experience to know an experience.

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