Sunday, January 3, 2010

Resolution: Pick up pieces of the past

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.30.10
Current Song - Two Hearts (Phil Collins)

I don't get into New Year's Resolutions too often. I know that they won't last, so why bother doing it? It got me thinking, what is a resolution? Everyone says "lose weight," or "quit smoking," or "quit drinking, or quit this or that. A resolution is something you want to do that is somewhat attainable. Moving out of the house is probably not attainable yet, but neither is getting my degree (which is something I know I'm going to get). It takes some might in order to do it.

I'd like to scrap up the remnants of the girlfriend searches from school days, and repatch them together to finally find a solution. In other words, get a girlfriend.

Looking back, I'm glad I didn't get involved when I was in school. I don't think any of my friends have the same partner (save one couple) today that they had during their freshman year. It kind of made all of those failed attempts worth it. They now tell me, "Cody, it's not worth it." All of the girls I had crushes on are probably involved in a very strong relationship right now.

The problem back then was going a bit too fast. Something attracted me and I wanted to go right for her. Truely stupid on my part. I think what has to be done is to have one land in front me. Seems like a huge longshot.

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