Thursday, January 21, 2010

Apparently you have to bend down and ...

Cutter's Log - Supplemental

While trying to sleep this morning (after I got done typing my last entry), a thought came to me. I want to get by in the journalism world. In order for me to do that, apparently I have to sacrifice some things that I believe in. I have to, to put it in simple terms, bend down and kiss butt. My apologies to family members who read this.

I don't feel good about falling in line with the system. At times I've felt that I won't get anything out of it. I'd just be making someone else rich, and I'm nothing but a pawn for someone's success. I wasn't going anywhere with PSO, but the company was (at the time). It was there that I was labled a "loose cannon" at age 16. Since then I've had disagreements with the newspaper, and was passed over for leadership at two gas stations.

If someone tells me to do something, I have to wonder if they're making me do this for their own personal success. Or if they are really making use of what I can do best in aiding the workplace. If I can't find some sort of benefit from what I'm being asked of, I don't see why I should do it - and it's just a matter of me beind used.

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