Saturday, July 18, 2009

WSN - Your Favorite Hits from ... the Codeman

Cutter's Log - Stardate 9002.81.07
Current Song - Deacon Blues (Steely Dan)

W - Work
S - School

For those that don't recall.

Work - I just enjoyed four days off of work in a row. My mini vacation started on Monday and ends today at 5:00. I got a lot done in this time off. I just hope that when I come back nothing has changed. Change always happens when I'm gone. I'm working three days this week. I also work on Sunday. After this, I don't know - hopefully four days. But there goes the good paychecks for a while.

School - It's almost done. But I haven't really started on anything yet. I kind of hit a snag somewhere. My PSY grade is still in the B range, but I'm really not looking forward to the rest of HUM. I'm going to try to get all of my PSY stuff done at once (three quizzes, two writing assignments and a test). Then I'm going to try to accomplish as much HUM crap I can.

NISB - It was a wonderful accomplishment trying to get summer stuff done for NISB. I completed nearly 100 letters to the coverage area's ADs and will get them mailed as soon as I can find money for five books of stamps. I'm also in the middle of doing a photo feature. I have half of it done: four sets of pictures have been snapped, three more are needed, plus the writing part of it. Now that the football schedules are all out, I'm going to try to set up the NISB Master Football schedule. That won't be done until after classwork has been accomplished. Other than these two things, the Edgy previews are next.

As I mentioned before, money is going to be a little tight for a while. I can only hope for quick classwork in order to find an extra work day sometime and somewhere. I have a $15 Yahoo payment later next week.

I'm saving up for a bicycle with the rest of the paychecks. There's a LaJolla bicycle at Wal-Mart I'm wanting. Only because the seat is big and it is sturdy enough to hold someone like me. I hope it can do wonders. Once I get the bike, I will save money to get my left-turn light fixed. That's been a problem for almost a year now. I don't have any real necessities after this.

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