Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bank Discrepancy

Cutter's Log - Stardate 8002.61.70
Current Song - Rock You Like a Hurricane (The Scorpions)

Yesterday was another one of those moments where I found out I was more stupid than I thought. You see, I must have this "stupid-and-lazy" disease where I think I can do something but I really can't, and I need to do something but I don't. Like guessing how much I have, roughly, in my bank accounts.

There's no question times have been a little tough for me with no money, Sauk payments and a car payment every month. Oh, and gas too (and no, I don't get it free since I work at a gas station). So every day I make a trip to my bank's ATM machine to get a balance. Turns out that that stupid machine was always wrong. I had overdrafted and got tacked fees, and was once over 100.00 in the red. I deposited my recent paycheck in there yesterday, so everything should be alright now.

God I'm stupid, and lazy.

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