Saturday, May 17, 2008

College Plans, once again

Cutter's Log - Stardate 8002.71.50
Current Song - I do (Toya)

Now that Sauk has screwed up my college plans, I've been forced to make some changes to my plans.

I will still take Physics 175 and Music 210 this summer. But I don't know if I will be able to take Humanities 150 this fall. That's because I may have to spend AN ENTIRE YEAR taking a journalism class somewhere else.

I have been awarded 36 credits as of the completion of this spring's classes. GPA: 2.05 :(
I have 7 credits pending upon completion of this summer's classes.
At the end of the summer I will have earned 43 credits.

I could take a whole year with the journalism study at another college: 3 + 3 = 6

I'll have 49 credits at the end of Spring 2009.

I have 15 credits left to go in order to get my Associate's Degree.

1 summer class: Summer 2009.
2 fall classes: Fall 2009.
2 spring classes: Spring 2010.

Graduate in Spring 2010.


Course Fees and tuition for other colleges (tack on $10 for other fees):

Sauk Valley CC: $80.00 per credit hour.
Clinton or Scott CC: $153.00 per credit hour. $103.00 per credit hour if I lived there.
Rock Valley CC: $245.00 per credit hour. $61.00 per credit hour if I lived there.
Illinois Valley CC: $242.50 per credit hour. $60.50 per credit hour if I lived there.
Highland CC: $128.00 per credit hour. $76.00 per credit hour if I lived there.

I am going to make another appointment with my academic advisor to see if I can transfer to another institution for one year, and then come back.

Highland's journalism classes run from 5:00 to 6:15 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
JOUR231 and JOUR232

If I am unable to do so, I am going to transfer fully to Clinton CC.

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