Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Talk, Cody, Talk!!" - The '12 N.Y.R.

Cutter's Log - Supplemental

I'm trying to use the experience with the prettiest girl in the world (mentioned in last entry) to help me connect with girls - something that has been a major problem in my life for quite some time.

Which leads to New Year's Resolutions!


The biggest NYR of all in the past has been my weight. So, alright, I found another positive in that I was able to actually DROP weight for the first time ever. I'm still nowhere near what I should be. I've found out that setting a particular finish-line for a weight-loss goal only makes things harder.

Lately I let the course of the day work its wonder and that's how some of the weight came off. But with the post-Christmas stress in covering ten games in five days it's starting to come back a little bit. But after today the website-related travel, going to Plano and back four days out of five, is done with. No more late nights and long drives in that regard. Now it's back to business, and I believe I'll do well in this regard. So weight isn't a NYR this year.

An improvment in my social life will be this year's NYR.

I do a lot of my talking on my Blog. That is because if I actually said every word I typed, word-for-word, I would get tongue-tied. Then when I do talk, I have noticed myself stuttering and stammering, and repeating myself as if I'm rewinding the conversation.

I have almost 200 audio clips of interviews I have conducted for stories on the website. I'm going to erase them all soon to clear up space, and I think I'll take note of the times I flubbed sentences, stuttered, stammered, and drew blanks.

Since most of my foreign interaction happens to come in the form of the postgame interview, I will work on fixing up my interview sessions. That includes introducing myself in full (no "I'm Cody from the Website" like I did earlier this week), and listening and trying to engage in some sort of small talk - as opposed to just being there for the purpose of getting story quotes.

What hurt me most in this regard was not covering enough games over the course of the school year. The more times I cover games, the more interactive I think I can be, and all for the same topic of things - sports.

Only then can one thing lead to another.

Since I plan on covering a few more things than usual (due to being out of work), I'll see how this goes and take baby steps toward progression.

There can't be a threshold to attain for such a resolution such as this. I guess by December 31, 2012 (That's December 31, NOT December 21) I'll look back on the year and see how far I have come in my social life.

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